Celso Give, Sozinho Ndima, Miriam Taegtmeyer, Hermen Ormel, Maryse Kok, Meghan Bruce and Mohsin Sidat (2016) Barriers and facilitator to referral system in primary health care in Mozambique: Perspectives of communities, supervisors and community health worker in Moamba and Manhiça, poster given at the 2016 Global Symposium on Health Systems Research.
The APEs (Agentes Polivalentes Elementares –meaning “essential [or elementary] multi-purpose agents”) Program is a strategy of the Mozambican health system to enhance access to health care mainly in rural areas. The scope of work of APEs includes health promotion, disease prevention and specified curative care for rural communities. APEs are trained to identify and refer patients with illnesses and other physiological conditions (e.g. pregnancy) for which they are not able to provide care. Appropriate referral and feedback is limited. This study analyzed the facilitators and barriers to appropriateness of timing, documentation and feedback of referral in rural communities to health facilities by APEs in Mozambique.
This project is funded by the European Union.