Ralalicia Limatoa, Rukhsana Ahmedb, Amelia Magdalenaa, Sudirman Nasirc, Din Syafruddina, Fiona Kotvojsd (2016) Most Significant Change (MSC): Community participation in evaluating maternal health promotion in the Community Integrated Health Posts (Posyandu) in Cianjur district, Indonesiaposter given at the 2016 Global Symposium on Health Systems Research

Health promotion including health counselling is defined activity to be conducted in the community integrated health posts (Posyandu) in Indonesia. The Posyandu is where majority of pregnant women in rural areas attend for their antenatal care and is the focal point for maternal health promotion held by the community health volunteers (Posyandu kader) and the village midwives. However, it is often neglected partly due to limited knowledge and lack of appropriate training of the community health volunteers (kaders) working in the Posyandu. Thus, opportunities to make pregnant women aware of antenatal, delivery and postnatal problems and the importance health facility deliveries are missed due to the lack of health promotion activities in the Posyandu. To address this, the REACHOUT team conducted a four-day health promotion training for the total 188 Kaders and seven village midwives in four villages in Cianjur district to improve their knowledge and skills to deliver maternal health information. The training was directed to deliver health messages to the pregnant women using pictorial aids (counselling cards). Emphasis was given to the two-way communication approach and to negotiate ways to change behaviours and practices towards safe pregnancy, childbirth and postnatal care.



This project is funded by the European Union.
This project is funded by the European Union.