Sudirman Nasir, Amelia Magdalena, Ralalicia Limato, Patricia Tumbelaka, Din Syafruddin, Rukshana Ahmed (2016) Impact of Health Promotion Trainings of Community Health Providers on Community Maternal Health Services in Cianjur, Indonesiaposter given at the 2016 Global Symposium on Health Systems Research

Maternal health is an important public health issue in Indonesia. The Indonesian maternal mortality ratio (MMR) reported for the period of 2008-2012 was 359 deaths per 100,000 live births. This MMR is higher than most Southeast Asian countries with GDP per capita similar to Indonesia. To reduce maternal deaths, the community integrated primary health programme in Indonesia emphasizes health prevention and promotion, delivered by village midwives and community health volunteers (kader). In our context analysis of the issues around maternal health service quality, we identified that community health workers had poor knowledge and communication skills in counseling pregnant women on maternal health issues. Poor practice among frontline health staff was a barrier to health system improvement and high quality provision of care.

Impact Of Health Promotion



This project is funded by the European Union.
This project is funded by the European Union.