Robinson Karuga, Nelly Muturi, Maryline Mireku, Rosalind McCollum, Meghan Bruce Kumar, Frédérique Vallieres, Miriam Taegtmeyer, Lillian Otiso (2016) “Now we are talking of supportive supervision”: findings from an intervention to improve the quality of community health worker supervision in Kenyaposter given at the 2016 Global Symposium on Health Systems Research

Supervision of community health workers– known as Community Health Volunteers (CHVs) in Kenya - contributes to good performance, motivation and retention in community health service delivery. Responsibility for delivering community health services is a responsibility of 47 semi-autonomous county governments. Inadequate supervision may be due to capacity gaps and lack of supervision tools. REACHOUT in Kenya designed an intervention to train supervisors of CHVs on supportive supervision and provided supervision checklists.

Now We Are Talking


This project is funded by the European Union.
This project is funded by the European Union.