By Licia Limato
Health promotion is a major component of the primary health programme in Indonesia. Most of the health promotion is done in the Posyandu, the monthly community integrated activities held in the villages. It is in the Posyandu that antenatal care is provided to the women in the villages and maternal health promotion is a vital activity for making them aware of healthy pregnancy and safe childbirth. Therefore, having staff knowledgeable in maternal health issues is important for quality assured delivery of maternal health promotion.
The staff working in the Posyandu are the village midwives and the Posyandukader (community health volunteers). Well trained staff in the Posyandu is pivotal for effective health promotion and for pregnant women to value the advice given by Posyandu staff.
The training manual with title “Pedoman pelatihan promosi kesehatan ibu untuk kader Posyandu” was developed to meet the needs of the Posyandu staff, particularly the Posyandu kader. The guidelines for trainers was designed for those who are planning to conduct health promotion training with emphasis given to participatory training with role play and acting out sessions. An introduction to the use of pictorial counselling cards is provided in this guideline. The guidelines for trainees is provided for the participants of the training and can be used during and after the training.
Following the positive response received to the trainings we conducted under our REACHOUT project, we felt that by making the manual electronically available we could reach a larger number of trainers In Indonesia working in maternal health programmes.
This project is funded by the European Union.