Save the Date!  Wednesday, August 1, 2018; 9:30 AM EST/US. 

Community health workers (CHWs) improve access to quality health services at the community level. Despite the critical role that CHWs play, governments often have limited insight into their activities, the quality of their services, the conditions of the communities that they serve, and how best to link these CHWs and their beneficiaries to the larger health system. To effectively monitor CHW services and improve public health management at the community level, practical, effective and integrated systems for data collection, analysis and monitoring are needed. Mobile technologies show great promise, but how do we ensure they are integrated with national HMIS systems and how do we scale them to meet the need? 

Highlighting case examples from three countries, this webinar presents the successes and challenges of linking a CHW workforce to larger national health systems with mobile technologies. Presenters will explore the technical process of integrating various mobile platforms; best practices and lessons learned building reports to facilitate data-based decision making at the government level; and how to design for scale within existing systems and considering the processes needed to integrate with those systems.

Panelists will share lessons learned from the following initiatives:

Ethiopia – JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc (JSI) and the Government of Ethiopia are working to equip 10,000 CHWs with an innovative mobile solution to improve Post Natal Care (PNC) in the first 48 hours after birth.

Madagascar – The Ministry of Health in Madagascar is working with USAID, MSH and Dimagi to build a comprehensive mHealth application for use by community health volunteers (CHVs) to improve the health of women of reproductive age, children under five, and infants by enhancing the quality of primary health care services at the community level.

India - Dimagi is working with the Ministry of Women and Child Development to launch a maternal and child health (MCH) application to over 100,000 community health workers across eight states of India. Data collected through the system is made visible in a robust reporting dashboard at the Central, State and District levels.

Join the Webinar on Wednesday August 1 at 9:30 AM EST/US

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